Points to consider when selecting a method:
- Current number of plans?
- Anticipated future number?
- Frequently of use?
- Is the storage permanent?
- Are the documents important or expensive to reproduce?
- Are drawings stored flat or rolled?
There Are Three Main Storage Methods
Rolled Storage is the least expensive. The advantage is cost and convenience. Store blueprints rolled in box files at the job. The disadvantage is access speed and space. It takes time to unroll and roll plans. Fewer plans in the same space can be stored rolled than flat.
Plan Racks & Hanging Clamps - are the quickest and most convenient. The advantage move plans to people and access up to 1200 blueprints in limited space without unrolling. They are more expensive than rolled files with faster access and more storage in the same space; and less expensive than flat files offering more convenience, but less storage and protection.
Flat File Cabinets - hold and protect the most. The advantage is protections and storage. Some cabinets are archival emitting no damaging vapors. Flat files are expensive, hard to move, but offers the best protection and most amount of storage in the same space. Please contact us for help. We will assist in selecting the products that best meet your needs and budget. Some solutions use a combination of the three storage methods. Call or email use today.